Business & Support Services

Welcome to the 2024-2025 fiscal year.  I am happy to see you again and appreciate your continued trust in our school district.  It is no secret that public schools across the state are financially struggling due to stagnant state funding, inflation, and partially funded state mandates.  Yet, our school district kept everyone employed and on standby waiting on the allocation of $3.99 billion for public schools to address pay increases. 

Public service is a special trust.  The Division of Finance plays an important role in the public service.  In seeking to fulfill our mission, the District shall maintain a high level of financial stability and shall not compromise the long-term financial integrity to achieve short-term benefits. This Division leads and facilitates the fiduciary stewardship of Laredo ISD by managing resources to fund diverse opportunities for student excellence and enable the schools to provide safe and nurturing learning environments. Specifically, the Division provides centralized management of the District’s day-to-day financial, budgetary, and supplemental program activities. It comprises Financial Management, Investments, Budget, Procurement, Accounts Payable, Payroll & Benefits, Tax Collections, Student Attendance, Federal Programs (Title I & IV), Homeless Program, Migrant Program, Foster Care and Military-Connected Students. 

Everyone’s positive involvement and continued dedication are critical to our success.  Thank you for all the devotion you put into this important work and thank you for helping our students succeed.  Our students are our future workforce and leaders key to the well-being and prosperity of our community. 

I look forward to a happy and productive year.

Flor Ayala, CPA

Assistant Superintendent
Finance, Business Services, and Accountability
2400 San Bernardo, 3rd Floor, D313
Laredo, Texas 78040
(956) 273-1043


To provide sound fiscal management practice in order to maximize available resources and provide for uses of those resources in a productive and efficient manner so that the District can provide quality services and education to its children.

Department Goals

Disseminate financial information to employees, Superintendent, Board of Trustees, bondholders, and taxpayers in an accurate, timely and efficient manner. Effectively manage cash flow and investments of the District. Facilitate and monitor the District’s budget process and provide information for decision making to the Superintendent, Board of Trustees, administration, and taxpayers in order to produce a legally and politically acceptable balanced budget that meets GFOA standards.

Department Objectives

Process transactions through a centralized financial system and distribute system generated management and departmental reports. Prepare the CAFR in accordance with the reporting standards and receive the GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.

Invest with the primary objectives which are safety, liquidity, and yield through the administration of the adopted investment program. 

Coordinate the budget preparation and review process while monitoring current budget expenditures and expenditure/revenue projections. Prepare the annual operating budget for the District which provides for the efficient and cost effective operation in accordance with all legal requirements. Prepare the annual budget in accordance with the reporting standards and to receive the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award.

Prior Year Highlights

Received a rating of “Superior Achievement” under Schools FIRST
(Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas)

GFOA awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.