Representatives from Laredo ISD and United ISD traveled to Austin recently to meet with elected officials on issues affecting public education.
The group of educators met with State Representatives Richard Raymond and Tracy King at the State Capitol for several hours discussing possible legislation.
In attendance from LISD were Flor Ayala, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Operations; Dr. Gerardo Cruz, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction; and Oscar Perez, Executive Director for Health and Occupational Safety and Support Services.
UISD administrators included David Gonzalez, Superintendent; Emma Leza, Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, and Mike Garza, Associate Superintendent for Administration Operation Services.
“LISD and UISD appreciate the attention that Mr. Raymond and Mr. King dedicated to our interests and listening to the concerns of their stakeholders,” said LISD Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Gerardo Cruz. “We look forward to continued dialog with our representatives.
The educators focused on legislation that could impact funding, enrollment, accountability, and safety and security. Further discussions are planned to advocate for public education.