Happy Custodial Day! Thank you for all your hard work.
over 1 year ago, Laredo ISD
Custodial Day
Save the Date! The Book Fair is coming to the Gallego Library from October 14-21. No AR Testing for Extended Library on 10/18 & 10/19, we will open for purchase.
over 1 year ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
Our 2nd graders were excited to start their new typing class today! All students will be able to practice the proper way to type during lab.
over 1 year ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
Upcoming Advisory.
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
no classes
Proud Ligers Crystal Nevarez and Ramiro Rodriguez partook in the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new LISD IT District Training Center this morning. Great job!
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
IT ceremony
IT ceremony
IT ceremony
IT ceremony
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
Our 2nd and 3rd graders were treated to story time by the Superintendents Student Advisory Council.
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
Advisory Council
Advisory Council
Advisory Council
Advisory Council
Friendly Reminder: Flyers for FALL Pictures went out early this week, check your child's backpack. Pictures will be taken tomorrow, Friday 9/30/2022, for $5. You may still send the money with your child tomorrow morning.
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
Camo Day!
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
Come and join us for our last monthly meeting on Thursday, September 29, 2022 in person at the LISD Performing Arts Center Conference Room at 2400 San Bernardo. The parents with the most attendance will have their child's classroom participate in a classroom Pizza Party and receive 5$ Liger Bucks for those students' who's parents attend the meeting. Venga y únase a nosotros para nuestra última junta mensual el Jueves 29 de Septiembre de 2022 en persona en la Sala de Conferencias del Centro de Artes Escénicas de LISD en 2400 San Bernardo. Los padres con la mayor asistencia harán que el salón de su hijo/hija participe en una fiesta de pizza en el salón y recibirán 5 dólares Liger Bucks para aquellos estudiantes que padres asistan a la junta.
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
📌Friendly Reminder: REPORT CARD NIGHT is today from 4pm-6pm📌
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
Report Card
TWIN and SQUAD Day! #supporting #childhoodcancerawareness
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
twin day
twin day
twin day
Updated Report Card Night information.
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
report card night
Gifted and Talented Program INFORMATION
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
"Reading is dreaming with your eyes open." Take advantage of Library Extended Day on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday from 3:30pm to 4:15pm. Come and read with your child and reach AR Goals!
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
CONGRATULATIONS LIGERS on obtaining a 100% AR Reading GOAL!
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
Supporting #uvaldestrong
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary
Let’s support Uvalde CISD students and staff as they go back to school tomorrow, Tuesday, September 6, 2022. Students and staff may wear maroon tomorrow.
almost 2 years ago, Laredo ISD
LISD supports Uvalde
No classes on Monday!
almost 2 years ago, Don Jose Gallego Elementary