
Principal's Message (Click Here to open full Message )

Dear Parents and Students, As we conclude another fruitful school year and look forward to the summer break, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all our students for their hard work and achievements. This year has been filled with countless moments of learning, growth, and success, and it is all thanks to the dedication and commitment of our wonderful students, parents, and staff. As we transition into the summer months, I want to emphasize the importance of maintaining a balance between relaxation and continued personal development. Summer is a wonderful time for rejuvenation and fun, but it is also an invaluable opportunity to keep our minds and bodies active in preparation for the next school year. The Importance of Reading Reading is a gateway to endless worlds of knowledge, imagination, and adventure. It is crucial to foster a habit of reading throughout the summer for several reasons: Preventing the Summer Slide: Studies have shown that students who do not engage in educational activities during the summer can lose up to two months of reading skills. By reading regularly, students can retain and even enhance their literacy skills. Expanding Knowledge and Vocabulary: Reading a variety of books exposes students to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives. It helps build a richer vocabulary and a deeper understanding of the world. Enhancing Critical Thinking: Engaging with different texts challenges students to think critically, ask questions, and make connections, which are vital skills for academic success. To support your child's reading journey, I encourage you to visit our local libraries, participate in summer reading programs, and explore genres that ignite your child’s passion for reading. Physical activity is equally important for maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Here’s why staying active over the summer is beneficial: Physical Health: Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, improves cardiovascular health, and boosts the immune system. Mental Well-being: Physical activity reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. It also improves mood and energy levels. Cognitive Benefits: Exercise has been shown to enhance brain function, improve concentration, and boost memory, all of which are essential for academic performance. Encourage your children to engage in a variety of activities such as sports, swimming, hiking, biking, or even simple outdoor play. These activities not only keep them physically fit but also help them develop social skills and teamwork. While reading and physical activity are essential, it is also important to allow time for relaxation and creativity. Encourage your children to explore new hobbies, spend time with family, and engage in unstructured play. These experiences are just as valuable for their overall development. As we embark on this summer break, let us commit to making it a time of balanced growth and joyful learning. By encouraging regular reading and physical activity, we can ensure that our students return to school refreshed, inspired, and ready to achieve even greater heights. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Wishing you all a safe, enjoyable, and enriching summer! Warm regards, Adriana Padilla, Principal Heights Elementary

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  • Ms. A. Padilla Principal-Thrillshare banner

    Principal's Message (Click Here to open full Message )

    Dear Parents and Students, As we conclude another fruitful school year and look forward to the summer break, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all our students for their hard work and achievements. This year has been filled with countless moments of learning, growth, and success, and it is all thanks to the dedication and commitment of our wonderful students, parents, and staff. As we transition into the summer months, I want to emphasize the importance of maintaining a balance between relaxation and continued personal development. Summer is a wonderful time for rejuvenation and fun, but it is also an invaluable opportunity to keep our minds and bodies active in preparation for the next school year. The Importance of Reading Reading is a gateway to endless worlds of knowledge, imagination, and adventure. It is crucial to foster a habit of reading throughout the summer for several reasons: Preventing the Summer Slide: Studies have shown that students who do not engage in educational activities during the summer can lose up to two months of reading skills. By reading regularly, students can retain and even enhance their literacy skills. Expanding Knowledge and Vocabulary: Reading a variety of books exposes students to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives. It helps build a richer vocabulary and a deeper understanding of the world. Enhancing Critical Thinking: Engaging with different texts challenges students to think critically, ask questions, and make connections, which are vital skills for academic success. To support your child's reading journey, I encourage you to visit our local libraries, participate in summer reading programs, and explore genres that ignite your child’s passion for reading. Physical activity is equally important for maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Here’s why staying active over the summer is beneficial: Physical Health: Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, improves cardiovascular health, and boosts the immune system. Mental Well-being: Physical activity reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. It also improves mood and energy levels. Cognitive Benefits: Exercise has been shown to enhance brain function, improve concentration, and boost memory, all of which are essential for academic performance. Encourage your children to engage in a variety of activities such as sports, swimming, hiking, biking, or even simple outdoor play. These activities not only keep them physically fit but also help them develop social skills and teamwork. While reading and physical activity are essential, it is also important to allow time for relaxation and creativity. Encourage your children to explore new hobbies, spend time with family, and engage in unstructured play. These experiences are just as valuable for their overall development. As we embark on this summer break, let us commit to making it a time of balanced growth and joyful learning. By encouraging regular reading and physical activity, we can ensure that our students return to school refreshed, inspired, and ready to achieve even greater heights. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Wishing you all a safe, enjoyable, and enriching summer! Warm regards, Adriana Padilla, Principal Heights Elementary