October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month - show your support by wearing PINK on Fridays!
🚨LISD Parent Academy of Learning invites you to a Google Meet for Tuesday, October 11th Annual Meeting from 4:00pm-5:30PM. Google Meet Link : https://meet.google.com/qpn-ppim-qut 📰 See Flyer/Image for further information. #LISDParentAcademyofLearning
Yesterday, October 6th, was National Coaches Day so let's give a shout out to our Daiches Coaches, Coach Ibarra and Coach Manrique! Thank you for all that you do for our students!! #nationalcoachesday #DaichesProud
Happy National Custodian Appreciation Day to our hard-working custodial team! Thank you for making our school shine! #DaichesProud #nationalcustodiansday
LISD continues to work hand in hand with our Laredo Police Department and City law enforcement agencies to protect all of our students, staff and schools. We encourage the reporting of any potential danger and will act swiftly to prosecute any offenders to the full extent of the law. Working together we can deter any threats to the safety of our LISD teaching and learning community. “See something, hear something, say something.”
Happy Custodial Day! Thank you for all your hard work.
Friday is College Awareness Day! Wear a college shirt with jeans to show you're college-ready!!
No School for Students on Monday, Oct. 11, 2022 due to Staff Development Day
🚨LISD Parent Academy of Learning invites you to a Google Meet for Wednesday, October 5th on "Developing Literacy in Children" from 4:00pm-5:00PM. Google Meet Link - https://meet.google.com/ktr-fntc-bou
📰 See Flyer/Image for further information. #LISDParentAcademyofLearning
Parents are invited to join these upcoming meetings.
Tutorials will start on October 4th after-school for Kinder through 5th grade. Dismissal will be at 4:45 PM, please pick up your child on time. A snack will be provided. If you have any question, please contact your child's teacher for further information.
Wear RED on Monday! #dyslexiaawarenessmonth
Are you interested in coaching /sponsoring a basketball team for PK4, Kinder or 1st grade? Contact us!
Wednesday, Sept. 28th will be our first Report Card Night for the school year! We invite all our parents to visit anytime between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. to pick up your child's report card. Questions? Please call (956)273-3200 #ReportCardNight #DaichesProud
💝Please HELP Daiches with our "Childhood Cancer Awareness Walk" 🚶♀️ Donations are being collected by your teacher, any amount will help. Wear Gold/Yellow on Wednesday to show your support. Please see Flyer/Image for further information.💛
Parent Academy of Learning invites you to a Google Meet with Carlos Rene Ramirez - The topic " La Cana" with 2 sessions available on Tuesday & Wednesday. Google Meet Link - https://meet.google.com/tny-augm-gdq
📰 See Flyer/Image for further information.
🚨Friendly reminder that you are invited to join us at our Parent Academy of Learning Virtual Training/Session from 4-5PM today. Use the link https://meet.google.com/ktr-fntc-bou. See image for more details. 😁
Happy National IT Professionals Day to our Technology Integration Specialist Mrs. Teresa Hill! Whether it's helping troubleshoot, teaching us how to use an online platform/program, or simply being there as our tech guide, we thank you Mrs. Hill for taking care of our tech needs!
Flu Vaccine Clinic - Thursday, September 22nd from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
🚨Your cordially invited to attend our Parent Academy of Learning Virtual Training/Session. Sept. 20th will be in English/Sept. 21st will be in Spanish. Please view image for times & topics.🚨To Join virtual, please click on the Goggle Link - https://meet.google.com/qpn-pplm-qut