Principal's Message

To all our Tiger Community,

As we bid farewell to another academic year and eagerly anticipate the warmth and adventures of summer, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the remarkable journey we've shared at Martin High School.

To our graduating seniors, congratulations! Your dedication, resilience, and achievements have filled our halls with pride. As you embark on this new chapter of your lives, remember that you carry with you the invaluable lessons learned within these walls. We have every confidence in your ability to shine brightly in whatever path you choose, and we eagerly await the incredible contributions you will undoubtedly make to our world.

To all our students, I wish you a summer filled with laughter, relaxation, and unforgettable moments. Take this time to recharge, explore your passions, and create cherished memories with friends and family. Whether you're traveling to distant lands or enjoying the simple pleasures of home, may you find joy and rejuvenation in every moment.

As we reflect on the past year, I am filled with gratitude for the unwavering dedication of our teachers and staff. Your tireless efforts, creativity, and commitment to our students have laid the foundation for their success and growth. Thank you for your passion, your guidance, and your unwavering belief in the potential of every student who walks through our doors.

And finally, to our entire school community, thank you for your resilience, flexibility, and strength throughout this challenging year. Together, we have navigated uncertainties, celebrated triumphs, and emerged stronger and more united than ever before. As we look ahead to the future, let us continue to support and uplift one another, knowing that together, there is no challenge we cannot overcome.

As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, may this summer be a time of joy, renewal, and connection for us all. Stay safe, stay well, and I look forward to welcoming you back refreshed and rejuvenated for another incredible school year ahead.

Warm regards,

Mario Mireles


R & T Martin High School