Esta cordialmente invitado a asistir a la junta del Concilio de Salud de las Escuelas (SHAC) del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Laredo. Fecha: 23 de octubre del 2023 Hora: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Ubicación: Salon de Conferencia de Dr. Marcus Nelson Para mas información hable al (956) 273-1226
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
parent flyer
parent flyer
Flu Clinic Tomorrow Tuesday, October 24 8:30-11:15 am
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
flu Clinic
Our Robotics Team practicing at Cigarroa High School 🤖
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
Our Robotics Team practicing at Cigarroa High School 🤖
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
October is #breastcancerawareness Wildcats showing their support by wearing pink
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
"Not All Heroes Wear Cape" 👩‍✈️Dress as a first responder 👨‍✈️
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
First responders pictures
First responders pictures
First responders pictures
First responders pictures
First responders pictures
First responders pictures
First responders pictures
First responders pictures
First responders pictures
First responders pictures
Red Ribbon Week is just around the corner! Get ready for next week
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
red ribbon week
Safety is Reflected in Color Tomorrow is "Not All Heroes Wear Cape" 👩‍✈️Dress as a first responder 👨‍✈️
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
👻Trunk-or-Treat! 👻 Parents if you want to participate in our Trunk-or-Treat Event please sign up using the link below. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Linares at 273-3300. Link to register SETUP STARTS AT 8:00 AM -9:00 AM EVENT Starts: October 31, 2023, from 9:00 am Dateline to Register: October 27, 2023
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
*****Attention parents We will be having a parent meeting today. Entrance through the Cafeteria and parking on Garcia St.
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
parent meeting
You are cordially invited to join our Parent Academy of Learning Virtual Session, which is scheduled for tomorrow. Our presenter will be Mrs. Patricia Valenzuela on the topic "Building a Violence-Free Environment at Home." Below are the session details: Date: Thursday, October 19, 2023 Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM We look forward to your participation in this important discussion. Join us via Google Meet: Link:, if you prefer to dial in: Phone Number: ‪(US) +1 419-962-6044‬ PIN: ‪952 850 405‬#
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
parent meeting
parent meeting
Attention parents We will be having a parent meeting today. Please see the flyer
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
parent meeting
📕 On behalf of our school and our students, we wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to The Laredo Area Retired School Employees Association (LARSEA) and Operation Life Saver for your generous book donation. Click the link to the video #wildcatnation
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
We continue celebrating Safety Week. Safety is Reflected in Colors. Wear neon colors tomorrow
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
safety flyer
🐾Wildcats Against Bullying on Unity Day! 🐾 Our Wildcats learned about promoting kindness, acceptance, and inclusion 🧡 during their counseling classes. #UnityDay
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
unity day
unity day
unity day
unity day
unity day
unity day
unity day
unity day
🦺Safety Week 🦺 Think Safety. Our Wildcats wore Safety Hats
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
safety hats
safety hats
safety hats
safety hats
safety hats
safety hats
safety hats
safety hats
safety hats
safety hats
Join us at our Fall Jamaica October 27th 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
Would you like to visit the Spooky Library and participate in activities on Halloween Day? (Tuesday, October 31) Meet your 2nd 6-week AR Goal by Monday, October 30. Points by grade level and all averages 85% or higher. Any student who can meet the Fast Track AR Goal (the higher points) will receive a prize, in addition to participating in the activities during Spooky Library.
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
spooky library
spooky library
The library is open every morning before school begins to allow students who have read a book at home to take the AR quiz. Students will need a library pass from Mrs. Tijerina to be allowed to go to the library after breakfast. Passes will be given on a daily basis.
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary
library hours
Attention Parents You are invited to our Parent Session
about 1 year ago, Dovalina Elementary