Congratulations to our Leader of the Month: Para-Professional Mr. F. Guerrero -Science Lab Manager Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to all our Wildcats.🐾 Mr. G. always goes the extra mile. #wildcatsleadingwithheart
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
para professional
Congratulations to our Leader of the Month: Professional Ms. E. Perez -1st-grade teacher She is always willing to go the extra mile for our Wildcats. She is also one of our Cheer Sponsors 🐾 #wildcatsleadingwithheart
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
leader of the month
Congratulations to our Student, AR, and Bilingual Scholar of the Month. Great job Wildcats!! 🐾
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
student of the month
AR of the month
student of the month
Attention parents: Join us for our Open House on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. Report cards will be distributed. Please see the flyer for more information. *** ID is required. Atención padres: Acompañenos a la entrega de calificaciones el miércoles 22 de febrero de 2023. Se distribuirán boletas de calificaciones. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. *** Se requiere identificación
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
open house
open house
open house
Parent Academy of Learning session on Wed. Feb. 22nd at 9 a.m. at the LISD Jesus Martinez Performing Arts Complex. See the flyer for more information on the session.
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
parent flyer
parent flyer
Join us tomorrow for our Parent Academy of Learning session on Wed. Feb. 22nd at 9 a.m. at the LISD Jesus Martinez Performing Arts Complex. See the flyer for more information on the session.
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
parent session flyer
parent session flyer
Attention parents: Join us for our Open House on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. Report cards will be distributed. Please see the flyer for more information. *** ID is required. Atención padres: Acompañenos a la entrega de calificaciones el miércoles 22 de febrero de 2023. Se distribuirán boletas de calificaciones. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. *** Se requiere identificación.
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
open house flyer
open house flyer
open house flyer
Attention Wildcats Spring pictures 📸 Wednesday, February 22nd. Don’t forget to dress your best!
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
spring picture flyer
Friendly Reminder: Early dismissal on Thursday, February 16th. The students are dismissed at 1:30 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
school schedule
You are cordially invited to attend our Parent Academy of Learning Virtual Training/Session. Teaching Respect and Tolerance: Human Values in Today’s World Wednesday, February 15, 2023 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Google Meet joining info Video call link:
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
parent session flyer
parent session flyer
📣ANNOUNCMENT📣 🔵Thursday, February 16- Early Dismissal @1:30 p.m. 🔵Friday, February 17-No Classes/Staff Development 🔵Monday, February 20-District Holiday (No Classes)
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
school schedule
You are cordially invited to attend our Parent Academy of Learning Virtual Training/Session. Teaching Respect and Tolerance: Human Values in Today’s World Wednesday, February 15, 2023 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Google Meet joining info Video call link:
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
parent session flyer
parent session flyer
Congratulations to the winners of the Communities In Schools Valentine's Perfect Attendance Raffle.
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
valentines raffle
Valentine's Celebration
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
valentines celebration flyer
valentines celebration flyer
valentines celebration flyer
“When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances for graduating.” – Attendance Works! One more day for the Perfect Attendance raffle make it count.
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
attendance raffle flyer
Acompáñenos este Lunes 13 de Febrero 2023 a las 9:30 AM - Para la 2nda sesión virtual con Mr. R. Ramirez. Mis Manos son para Amar, Sanar & Servir
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
parent session flyer
Attention Wildcats Get ready to join Us for Family Reading Night on Thursday, March 2 from 4:00-6:00 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
family reading night
The library will be open after school on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week to finish AR goals for the 4th 6 Weeks. Come read and take AR quizzes. #wildcatsread
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
As National School Counselor Week comes to an end, we would like to recognize and thank the hard work and dedication of our counselor, Ms. Vasquez. Thank you for everything you do for our Wildcat family. 🐾 🧡 #counselorsweek #wildcatsleadingwithheart
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
Attention parents We will be having Super Saturday Tutorials for 2nd to 5th-grade students. Date: Saturday, February 11 Time: 8:00 am -12:00 pm For more information please see the flyer or contact your child's teacher. Atencion padres de familia Tendremos tutoriales de Super Sabado para estudiantes de 2do a 5to grado. Cuando: Sabado, 11 de febrero Hora: 8:00 am -12:00 pm Para mas informacion ver el folleto o contactar a la maestra/o de su hijo/a
almost 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
super saturday