Congratulations 🎉 to our November Student, AR and Bilingual Scholar of the Month.
Great job Wildcats, 🐾 keep up the good work.
Ms. Herrera's and Mr. Ortiz's class worked on their Hour of Code during Computer Science Education Week. Great job Wildcats!
It's time to send in your coins and dollars to donate to Pennies for Tennies.
The class with the most money collected by Wednesday, December 14 will win a pizza party on Friday, December 16.
Good Luck!
December Calendar
· 1:30 PM Elementary School Students
· 1:45 PM Middle School Students
· 2:15 PM High School Students
This schedule includes all LISD Early College, Magnet School, and Valdez High School students.
Dovalina Toy Drive
Good Morning Parents,
Please use the following link to sign up for a free gift donated by Martin High School.
¡Buenos Días Padres,
Utilice el siguiente enlace para registrarse para recibir un regalo gratuito donado por Martin High School.
Christmas Toy Drive
December 7th to 14th
We continue with our 12 Days of Christmas Celebration. Tomorrow is wear Christmas colors
We are celebrating Computer Science Education Week.
Students created ornaments during Makerspace Monday.
Big shout out to all these Wildcats for having Perfect Attendance for the Month of November.
Don't be absent if you want to participate in the Attendance Raffle. The Nintendo Switch will be raffle on December 16th.
Attendance for the Month of November.
Don't be absent if you want to participate in the Attendance Raffle. The Nintendo Switch will be raffle on December 16th.
Library will be open after school to read books and take AR quizzes on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday for the next 2 weeks.
Finish your points for this semester.
See you at the Library. 📕
Great job to all UIL participants for a job well done.
Leonardo Torres Gomez, Dominick Torres, Ezequiel Rodriguez, Pedro Limon, Nayely Estrada, Janelle Macias, Sebastian Ordonez, Ximena Gonzalez, Danaly Becerra, Alessandra Chavana, Julian Garza, Karyme Renteria, Lia Contreras, Angel Perez, Jaylynn Hernandez
Not pictured: Jordan Gaona and Isabella Villanueva
Congratulations to the following students:
Sebastian Ordonez placed 5th in Music Memory (5th Grade)
Leonardo Torres placed 5th in Music Memory (4th Grade)
Jaylynn Hernandez placed 1st in Music Memory (3rd Grade)
Danaly Becerra placed 5th in Oral Reading (5th Grade)
Great job Wildcats 🐾
Thank you to all our UIL Sponsors for always supporting our students.
Parents: join us at the School Health Advisory Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 6th at 10:45am
Place: Jesus Martinez Performing Art Center
It's time to send in your coins and dollars to donate to Pennies for Tennies.
The class with the most money collected by Wednesday, December 14 will win a pizza party on Friday, December 16.
Good Luck!
Get ready for Day 2 of our 12 Days of Christmas 🎄. Wear Candy Cane Colors.
Here are some of the pictures
#12daysofchristmas #wildcatsleadingtheway
Parent virtual meeting "Building Meaningful Relationships" Construyendo Relaciones Significativas
Thursday, December 1st at 4:00-5:00 pm
Link Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 414-909-5983 PIN: 917 247 188#
Get ready Wildcats 🐾we are starting our Day 1 of our 12 days of Christmas 🎄celebration. Wear your favorite flannel.
Attention UIL Storytellers!
Friendly reminder that our UIL Event for storytellers will be on Saturday, December 3rd, 2022 at Santa Maria Elementary School located at 3817 Santa Maria Ave.
Please arrive to Santa Maria Elementary by 7:15 to eat breakfast. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Snacks will be sold at concession stand. Event should end by 12:30pm.
School shirts or spirit tees ARE NOT allowed. Students participating in Storytelling must wear Sunday's best. Parents are NOT allowed to stay, but can attend awards ceremony at 12:00-12:30pm.
Students MUST be picked up by no later than 12:30 p.m.
Please make sure you send the permission slips and waiver’s signed with phone numbers.
Thank you!