Come and join us Friday, September 16 to celebrate "Panecitos con los Abuelitos" during planning period. Please see the flyer. Ven y acompanenos el viernes 16 de septiembre a celebrar "Panecitos con los Abuelitos" durante las clases de PE. Favor de ver el folleto.
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
Farias flyer
Farias flyer
Dovalina Flyer
Dovalina Flyer
Attention Parents, We will be taking order for Wildcats Spirit shirts. Use the QR code in the flyer to place your order. Help your son/daughter show his/her school spirit.
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
shirt flyer
Wildcats 🐾 this is our September Calendar
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
September calendar
Congratulations to all Dovalina Teachers, Staff and students! 1st Place 🏆in AR for 2021-2022 School Year! 100% of students met the district AR goal! It takes a village or a school together to achieve great things! #wildcatsread #wildcatsleadingtheway
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
AR teacher pictures
AR teacher pictures
AR teacher pictures
AR teacher pictures
Congratulations Wildcats 🐾 for receiving 1st place 🏆 in AR in the district. All our students met the District AR Goal with 100% participation in the 2021-2022 school year. Thank you to all the teachers and students for working so hard to reach the AR goal and a special shout out to Ms. Tijerina and Ms. Garcia for always motivating and supporting our students.
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
1st place AR Campus
1st place AR Campus
1st place AR Campus
You are cordially invited to attend our Parent Academy of Learning Virtual Training/Session. Thursday, September 8, 2022 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Google Meet joining info Video call link: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 414-909-5983‬ PIN: ‪917 247 188‬#
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
Parent Session flyer eng.
Parent Session flyer spanish
Let’s support Uvalde CISD students and staff as they go back to school tomorrow, Tuesday, September 6, 2022. Students and staff may wear maroon tomorrow.
over 2 years ago, Laredo ISD
LISD supports Uvalde
Wildcats supporting College Readiness. #wildcatproud #collegereadiness
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
college readiness picture
college readiness picture
college readiness picture
college readiness picture
Cheer Parents!!! Our sizing kit has being delayed and rescheduled for the next business delivery day. Therefore, we will have to reschedule Tuesday’s sizing day to Thursday, September 8, 2022. Thank you and I apologize for the inconvenience. Tuesday Sept. 6, 2022 practice is CANCELLED!!!
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
cheer flyer
Greetings wildcats 🐾 Friendly reminder No classes Monday, September 5. Classes will resume Tuesday, September 6. Recordatorio No habra clases el lunes 5 de septiembre. Las clases se reanudaran el martes 6 de septiembre.
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
labor day flyer
Wildcats remember no Jumpstart tutorials this Saturday. Last day of Jumpstart tutorials is September 10
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
jumpstart program pictures
Wildcats 🐾 wear your college t-shirt 👕 on the 1st Friday of the month. Wildcats 🐾 ponte tu camiseta👕 de la universidad/colegio el primer viernes de cada mes.
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
college shirt
Friendly reminder No Classes Monday, September 5. Recordatorio No habra clases el lunes 5 de septiembre. #wildcatproud
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
English flyer
Spanish flyer
Congratulations 🎇 to the following classes for winning the AR DEAR 📙Time Challenge! Pre-K & K winner: Mrs. Pichardo's Kinder Class 1st & 2nd Grade winner: Mrs. Zepeda's 1st Grade Class 3rd to 5th Grade winner: Mrs. Y. Gonzalez's 3rd Grade Class
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
Ms. Pichardo's class
Ms. Zepeda's Class
Ms. Suarez's class
We want to wish Happy Birthday 🎂🎉 to Mrs. Tijerina and Mrs. Vasquez. Have a magical 🎇 day filled with wonderful surprises 🎁. #happybirthday #wildcatproud
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
Birthday celebration
Birthday celebration
Congratulations to our top 2 classes with the highest attendance. 🍦Way to go Ms. Trevino's and Mr. Gutierrez's Class! 🐾🙌#wildcatproud #attendancematters
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
Ms. Trevino class
Mr. Gtz class
🔔🏫 Attendance Matters!! Attend school daily! Breakfast is from 7:15 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. Instruction begins promptly at 7:45 a.m. Perfect Attendance Incentives will be awarded every six weeks! 🔔🏫
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
attendance flyer
Parents and Students: Come read and take AR quizzes afterschool on Wednesdays & Thursdays from 3:30 - 4:45 PM at the Dovalina Library! Begins on Wednesday, August 24. See you then.
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
extended library
Attention Wildcats 🐾 Town Hall Meeting "Safety in Our Schools" "Seguridad en Nuestras Escuelas" August 23 from 6:00-9:00pm. See the flyer for more information.
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
safety flyer
safety flyer spanish
Greetings 🐾 Wildcats!!! 🐾 Get ready for our AR Kick-Off happening next week. Remember reading 📕is FUN!!#wildcatpround #readersRleaders Buenos dias Wildcats Preparate para nuestra semana de inicio de AR que empieza la proxima semana. Recuerda que leer es DIVERTIDO!!
over 2 years ago, Dovalina Elementary
Ar flyer
AR Flyer