
For the third consecutive year, the Laredo Independent School District Parent and Family Engagement Department is excited to introduce its Summer Parent Academy of Learning, a series of virtual sessions designed to support and empower parents and families. This summer's program will be led by renowned Human Development Specialist Patricia Valenzuela, whose expertise will guide parents in fostering a nurturing and educational environment at home.

The District launched this program three years ago, coinciding with the return of students to campus following the pandemic. Recognizing the challenges faced by children and their parents in readjusting to the school environment, the Parent & Family Engagement Department initiated this effort to support parents and provide them with up-to-date information, equipping them to navigate the current challenges effectively.

“LISD wants to provide as many services as possible for our parents. We want to build authentic School-Family Relationships with our parents and have them become true partners with LISD in the education of their children.” LISD Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator Pat Campos said.

The Summer Parent Academy of Learning is an extension of the school year’s Parent Academy of Learning. During the regular school year, these sessions occur twice a month with an attendance of more than 250 parents per session.

The three remaining virtual sessions are scheduled as follows:

  • Finding Happiness: A Family Perspective - Tuesday, June 18, 202,4 at 10:00 a.m.

  • Why Emotional Intelligence Matters for Parents - Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.

  • Boundaries and Autonomy - Thursday, July 18, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.

Patricia Valenzuela, an educator, consultant, and presenter with over 30 years of experience, will lead the sessions. Valenzuela has supported school districts, companies, government agencies, and other organizations in need of a Human Development Specialist. Her professional experience includes all school levels; several years as program leader, operational manager, Academic Dean, and Principal at different campuses of one of the most prestigious university systems in Latin America: Tecnológico de Monterrey.          

Valenzuela has a Bachelor’s Degree in Science of Education, with a Minor in Training and Human Development; and a Master Degree in Education with a Minor in Humanities. She has been highly successful in the design and implementation of training programs for national and international companies (on-line and face to face modality). She has developed content and delivered presentations all over Mexico and other countries such as Ecuador, Colombia, Canada and the United States.           

Additionally, previous sessions covered essential topics such as Social Emotional Learning Skills including Good for Parent, too, Mental & Emotional Health is a Priority, The importance of an Authentic School-Family Partnership, Building a Violence Free Environment at Home, Bullying and Abuse Prevention at Home, Parenting Through Stress Times, Family as the Foundation of Meaningful and Healthy Relationships, Social Development: Peer Pressure and Influences, How to maintain Open Communication with your Children, Educate with Love & Empathy, Responsible Use of Internet and Social Media at Home, Positive Discipline for Today’s Challenges, Parents also Need Emotional Support, and Growing our Children’s Wings: How to Let Go.

Each session will include interactive elements such as Q&A segments, breakout discussions, and practical exercises to ensure parents can actively engage and apply what they learn. The virtual format allows parents and guardians to participate from the comfort of their homes, ensuring wide accessibility and convenience.

“The most rewarding part of these sessions is seeing the parents opening up, sharing and engaging with Ms. Valenzuela about the different family and school issues they are faced with. We have seen parents achieve some of their personal goals and learn how to manage their emotions.  We have also seen them build better relationships within their families,” Campos added.

The LISD Parent and Family Engagement Program is dedicated to fostering strong partnerships between schools and families. By providing resources, support, and educational opportunities, the program aims to enhance student achievement and well-being. For more information and to register for the Summer Parent Academy of Learning, please visit our website or call (956) 273-1278.
