Ms. Gamez's 4th grade class participating in World Math Day!
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
world math day
world math day
world math day
world math day
world math day
Hornets participated in World Math Day where they competed against students from other countries! Way to go! You make us Hornet Proud!
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
World Math Day
World Math Day
World Math Day
World Math Day
World Math Day
World Math Day
World Math Day
World Math Day
World Math Day
World Math Day
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
Spring Break
Tutorial calendar for March!
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
Tutorial Calendar March
Upcoming Parent Academy of Learning Virtual Sessions!
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
Amazing turnout for our Family Reading Night. Thank you to all the parents, students, and teachers that contributed to its great success!
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
Family Reading Night
Family Reading Night
Family Reading Night
Family Reading Night
Communities in School February Newsletter!
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
Our NEHS students made a special visit to Las Alturas Nursing Home where they distributed the items they collected during the "Coat Them with Love" drive.
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
Coat them with love event
Coat them with love event
Coat them with love event
coat them with love
Join us for an Open House on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. Please see the flyer for more information.
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
open house
open house
Thank you, Ms. Terrazas!
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
thank you from nurse
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2023 - STUDENT EARLY RELEASE SCHEDULE · 1:30 PM Elementary School Students · 1:45 PM Middle School Students · 2:15 PM High School Students
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
Join us for an Open House on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. Please see the flyer for more information.
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
open house
open house
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
no class
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
Parent Meeting
Parent Meeting
Tutorial schedule for February/March
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
tutorial schedule
Random Acts of Kindness Week!
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
Random acts of kindness week
Reminder: 💗Valentine's Day Procedures💗
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
Valentine's Day
Due to staff development and district holiday, classes will NOT be held on Friday, February 17, and Monday, February 20, 2023. Classes resume Tuesday, February 21, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary
no class notice
over 1 year ago, Santo Niño Elementary